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Jake Voskuhl

For our newest editorial, we get a peak into the life of Four Three Energy CEO, retired NBA Star, and former NCAA National Champion, Jake Voskuhl. We had the pleasure of sitting with Jake and talking about life after the NBA as an entrepreneur in Houston, one of the biggest energy-producing sectors in the industry. 

Jake Voskuhl

Raja Ratan: Jake, after an impressive college career at UCONN and 9 years in the NBA, you have seen fashion change quite a bit, and we are guessing that your own personal style has evolved quite a bit as well.  What are your current wardrobe staples?


Jake Voskuhl: When I first got into the NBA they had just instituted a new dress code so everyone was wearing suits that were about 3 sizes too big and these things called walking suits which seemed cool at the time but now you look back and its pretty funny. With my current style I try, with your (Raja Ratan), and Brian’s (Houston store manager) help, to keep my stuff conservative and clean. The overly stylish stuff seems to come and go pretty fast and you look back and think “what the hell was I thinking!” Great jeans are a necessity, soft t-shirts, custom dress shirts, and clean sports coats are what I’m always in.


RR: Since leaving the NBA, you have moved back to your hometown in Houston and started Four Three Energy. Tell us a little bit about the company and what you are doing now.


JV: Four Three Energy is an Energy Brokerage firm. We handle crude oil that goes into a refinery and all the products that come out of a refinery as well as LPG, LNG, Nat Gas, and Ethanol. All these products have different value to different people and they need to be placed within the market so we work with refiners and the trading houses to get the best value for our customers.


RR: Houston is obviously a great town for the energy sector, will it always be your home?


JV: Houston has always been home. I moved here in seventh grade from Tulsa, Oklahoma and my family has lived here since. My parents still live in the same house I grew up in and my wife is from here too so I don’t really see us leaving. Furthermore, Houston gives you access to a majority of the industry which is very beneficial, a real necessity in the oil and gas sector.


RR: In the afterlife of being a professional athlete, what are your current hobbies?


JV: I get the most joy out of watching my kids compete in sports.  SO much fun! That is definitely my favorite followed by hunting and golf.  My wife and I have 4 girls and 1 boy so there is no shortage of games. Nonstop action all the time.


Jake Voskuhl is a retired American professional basketball player who after playing at the University of Connecticut he was first drafted by the Chicago Bulls. Tee-shirts, denim, accessories, and bombers are Rye 51 from his own closet. Sport coats and coordinating shirts are from his own closet, custom designed and made by Q Clothier.